Saturday, 25 December 2010

Season Greetings!

Merry Christmas
Season Greetings
From the Westburn School Media Team and all the students and staff at Westburn.
We hope you have a safe and happy holiday!

Friday, 10 December 2010

2010 Senior Prizegiving

Today (Friday 10th December) Years 5-8 gathered to the hall for the end of year prize giving. Throughout the afternoon the school choir and orchestra performed as well as all students at the event singing two Christmas carols (Come all Ye Faithful and Mary's Boy Child) as well as a song to say farewell to the year eights called - Hymn to freedom.
In each of the senior classes an award was given to a student who showed overall excellence throughout the year. As well as this, there were the Year 8 Presentation cups.
Sport Cup: Libby V
Academic : Nicholas L and Liam F
Art cup : Nadia B
Performing Arts Cup : Cassie A
Citizenship Cup : Rosa E and Patrick M
Music Cup : Daniella B
Specialist Music Programme Cup: Harry G

Congratulations to every student that received an award and also for those who performed.

Year Eight- Wellington Trip

Year 8 Trip to Wellington! on PhotoPeach

On the 6th of December, all the Westburn Year eights made their way to Wellington! We had a questionare on the waterfront, a bus tour, visited Te Papa and Parliament! We even got to see John Key's car! This was so much fun and we thank everyone involved with organising it!

Reporters: Rosa and Daniella

Friday, 3 December 2010

Christmas Mince Pie Recipe

Christmas is JUST around the corner, keep looking at our blog to find some wicked gift ideas, activites, recipes and more to keep you busy these holidays.

Mince Pie Recipe:

300 g sweet shortcut pastry
250 g mincemeat
1 Egg, beaten
icing sugar

1. Roll our pastry to a thickness of about 1/8 inch
2. Using a cutter approximately 6cm, cut out around 24 circles for mince pie bases.
3. Using a smaller cutter, cut out about 24 circles for the mince pie tops.
4. Grease a cupcake tin/cake tin. Place a mince pie in each base. In each cake whole fill with mincemeat. Brush the tops with beaten egg.
5. Bake in the oven at 200.C for ten to fifteen minutes. Once cool, sprinkle on icing sugar.

Hope you enjoy our recipe, feel free to comment on how the baking went!

Music Programme Assessment Concert

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Debates in Room 3!

Recently, the top senior English class (Room Three) have been having a go at debating! Once organised into teams, the class practice their rebuttals and persuasive points at several different topics. All students have been adoring this last unit before the end of term.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Where in the Westburn World am I:Results.

Here is the results for last weeks Where am I in the Westburn world am I?

Rutherford 1

Hillary 4

Tekanawa 2

Sheppard 3

Reporters: Laura and Selena

Library books due

On the 2nd of December all library books are due back to the library. Please take note of this and do your best to return your library books as soon as possible.'

Westburn Orchestra & Band Concert

Reporter: Selena

Friday, 19 November 2010

The Lincoln University Trip

Last week the lucky year seven and eights got the oppurtunity to go to Lincoln University and do some fitness testing. These tests involved crunches, planks, press ups, the much hated Beep Test, the Agility sprints and many other tricky and tiring tests! All the students worked really hard and pushed themselves to the limit, many of the students woke up with aching bodies the next day! Well done everyone! These people did especially well:

Han Gil

Reporters: Rosa and Jess
Text generator

The Westburn Blog now has 5,000 visitors!!!
Reporter: Daniel.

Summer Sport Tournmament

Wednesday the 17th of November, four sport teams from Westburn went to two different venues, to compete against schools across Christchurch. There were two tennis teams and two touch rugby teams.
All teams had a great day, playing many games and having plenty of fun! Sounds like a great day!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

A taste of House Assemblies

Approximately once a month, students from each house group (Shephard, Tekanawa, Hillary and Rutherford) in class Years 5-8 gather for fun and games, and a chance to earn house points. Here are some photos of one in progess, about two weeks ago...

Reporter: Daniella

Fitness Course, Underway!

The school fitness course is well underway, situated along the fencing on the big field. There are eight different courses, all which require skill and ability. This is a great way for the pupils to excerise and to have fun in fitness time. This is what it looks like so far...
Reporter: Daniella

Friday, 5 November 2010

Orchestras Combine

The Westburn School Orchestra were lucky enough to play with one of New Zealand's best school orchestras- Burnside High School.
This afternoon (5Th November) was a primary schools showcase concert- Pupils from various local schools came to the Auroa Centre (Performing Arts Centre at Burnside High School) to hear us and Burnside Highs orchestra play. Westburn performed Capriaio Italiien, written by Tschaikowsky, with the High School Orchestra under the Baton of Mrs Helen Renaud (Head of music at the high school).
Pupils from the several schools definitely enjoyed the one piece the orchestras played together, and performers certainly enjoyed performing it!

(Look out for the video of the performance soon!)

Reporter: Daniella

Athletics Quiz

Reporter: Daniel

Canterbury aftershocks map

Here is a video of all of the aftershocks that have hit canterbury since september the 4th:

Repoter: Matt B

How much do you know about the earthquake?

Reporter: Rosa

Where in the Westburn world am I?

Where am I now? Please help me.
Leave a comment with your first name and house so I can award you a housepoint.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Get your outfits ready and dance moves complete!


(Click the image to enlarge)

Get your wacky outfits together, and practicing your groovy dance moves, for the School Disco! This friday (29th of October) the year groups 1-4 will begin dancing away at 5pm, and year groups 5-8 will have their disco at 7pm, both in the school hall! Its $2 an entry and be sure to buy some glowsticks and food while you're there!

We'll see you there!

Reporter: Daniella

Sunday, 24 October 2010

One day art, the next day... Calendars!

Most years as part of a school fundraiser, Westburn School give children and families the chance for their artwork to become a calendar or greeting cards! Once again, this year, students in each class are working hard to see their art work soon become something ideal for gifts or for the family!
Calendars this year have a new illustrated style!

Support our school buy purchases your childs calendar or an eight pack of cards.

Calendars- $10 each
Pack of cards (8 Cards) - $12

Visit the office staff for more information!

Reporter: Daniella

Don't Forget Your Bandannas!

Did you know every two days a young New Zealander is diagnosed with Cancer?
Canteen (A New Zealand Cancer Society) are as always hosting 'bandanna week' to raise funds for children with cancer. Bandannas will be sold throughout the country at many shops and participating schools. Westburn is once again selling bandannas this week ( Tuesday 26th October to Friday 29th October) outside the senior block of classrooms. There are many wacky and cool styles, but be sure to buy them as soon as possible, as they may sell out quickly! Bandannas are $4 each and all the proceeds go to Canteen.
On the Friday (29th of October) you can wear all your bandannas too at the mufti day! But remember, if you come in mufti you must please bring a gold coin donation, all proceeds of this money will also go to Canteen.
Reporter: Daniella

Saturday, 23 October 2010

What competition do YOU want?

The Media Team were amazed at the superb writing standard in our previous writing competition. We thank you all for participating in our competition.
We have had two competitions this year - a colouring competition and a writing competition.
Leave us a comment on what competition you'd like us to host next!
Reporter: Daniella

Friday, 22 October 2010

Where in the Westburn World am I in now???

Well, on my awesome planet we lack the knowledge of how to construct plastic containers but when I came in here the first thing that caught my organ of vision was this plastic box.
Can you tell me where this is?
Plese tell me by commenting and leaving your FIRST NAME and HOUSE so I can tell give you a Housepoint.

Reporter: Selena & Laura

Monday, 18 October 2010

We want to see your super writing!

A reminder to all Westburn School Students that the Media Team Writing Competition closes This Friday (22nd October)

The catergories are :
1.Creative short story
2. Report/article
3. Poetry

Remember to bring your stories into the 'Media Team Box' in the school library and don't forget to put your Name and Room Number with your story.

The winners recieve two wicked prizes each !

Comment on this post if you have any questions.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Remember To Wear Hats!

No Hats. No Play. on PhotoPeach

Reporters: Emma and Rosa

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Don't forget your hats!

A reminder for all students, that the green wide brim hats (Similar to the one in the photo) are to be worn all throughout this Term. (Term Four)

Reason being to prevent sun-burn and dehydration.

This can be purchased from the School's Uniform Shop and other uniform shops.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Ideas these Holidays!

Funky ideas for the upcoming holidays!

The holidays are coming up! Hurray! So we brainstormed a few awesome activities to amuse yourself during these holidays!

Have a go at the Media Team Writing competition

With three different categories (Report/Article, Creative short story and Poem) There is no limit to how many items you write. Present them in your best way, handwritten or typed. Slot them into the 'Media Team box' in the school library, by the door. Hand this in by the second week of Term 4.

Organise a Movie Night

A great way to spend the holidays with your friends is to organise a movie night. Bring along your favourite movies and popcorn and have a blast with your friends or family.

Some movie suggestions:

Marmaduke, Karate Kid, Princess and the Frog, Boy, Shrek Forever, Letters to Juliet.

Camp out in the garden

Get some friends or family together, and your tents, torches and stories, for a fun night camping in your garden. Sleep under stars, with the spring air with your mates.

Visit Hagley Park

Now that it is spring there are thousands of blooming flowers in the park. The beautiful daffodils and blossoms are out and a worth taking a look at!
Grow your own garden
Visit your local garden centre or weekend market, and purchase some delicious vegetables or fruits! Now is the ideal time to grow many vegetables such as; strawberries, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, capeskins, lettuces , all types of herbs/spices and many more. Talk to parents/caregivers about this
TIP: Make sure you water your vegetables/fruits daily, and they get plenty of sun! A great location to grow them in, is the old, small green reycling bin.
Make Playdough
With one cup of flour, half a cup of cooking salt, one cup of water and one tablespoon of cream tartar. Mix together and cook on a saucepan on the stove at medium heat. Allow to cool once well cooked, then add a few drops of oil. Knead the playdough well. Add food colouring to colour your playdough!
Discuss this with an adult or parent before you start at this, and make sure an adult assists you while cooking the playdough.
Reporters: Daniella and Rosa

Media Team Writing Competition!

Is writing a passion of yours?
Then i think you need to read on!

The Media Team are hosting another competion, this time though, a Writing Competiton! There are three different categories:

1) Creative Short Story
2) Article or Report
3) Poetry

The age groups are:

Age group one: Years 0-3
Age group two: Years 4-6
Age group three: Years 7-8

Hand your stories in any way you wish to be published in the Media Team box in the school library.
Winners recieve a funky prize as well as your story being published on the blog!
For Westburn School students only

Friday, 24 September 2010

Bible in schools Voki

Get a Voki now!

Reporter:Matt B

4,000 visitors

Text generator

The Westburn blog now has over 4,000 visitors!
Reporter: Daniel

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Media Team is aiming to reach 5000 visitors so we need your help. Tell your classmates, friends, cousins, grandparents and neighbours about our blog!
After we reach 5000 visitors, we will give out a very special 'Media Team' post every 1000 visitors we get.
Please spread the word!

Thanks, Media Team

Canterbury Earthquake Word Search

Make Your Own Word Search

To highlight your word click on the first and the last letter of it and if it was correct is will turn yellow but if not it will turn red.

Reporter: Matt B

Canterbury sports compettiton!

The Canterbury Primary Schools Sports Competition was held on Tuesday and Westburn sent along four fantastic sports teams to compete against other schools for the top prize. One of the teams that went along to compete was the senior A netball team they had a fantastic day and won most of their games, they came 3rd in their pool and 9th overall! The senior A hockey came 5th in their pool and won and drew a couple of their games. The senior A soccer team won a few of their games and the junior A hockey won one of their games. Well done to eveyone who participated in the Canterbury competition you all did a awesome job!!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

The Jump Jam Idol Winners!

The Jump Jam Winners 2010 on PhotoPeach

Jump Jam is an aerobic style of fitness! At least once a week, students of all ages get together in their classes or year groups and move and groove.
Reccently, thanks to Miss. Du Plesis, a jump jam challenge was planned! Students in groups from ages 9 to 13, practiced hard to perform in front of the judges! The group 'Guys in Leotards/Togs' were the winners of this whole challenge!

Congratulations to Jessica, Caitlin, Cassie, Libby, Hannah and Sophie, winners of the 2010 Jump Jam Idol!

Reporters:Rosa and Jess

Room12's Kiwiana display

Westburn School Room 12 Kiwiana on PhotoPeach

Reporter: Kaelan

Saturday, 18 September 2010

School Production Postponded

The Westburn School Production of 'Toy Tales' has been postponed until Week Nine, Term four. The reason for this postponement is due to the earthquake. We were orginally going to have the production on the 15th and 16th of September.
We apologise for the inconvenience and hope to see you then!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Earthquake Wordle

Wordle: Untitled
Reporter: Daniel

Where in the Westburn World am I now??

Thank you for helping me last time. When the big Earthquake happened I had to find shelter but once I was in I couldn't find my way out. I was just about to come out from where I was when people started walking around the room checking for damage. I was too scared to come out so I stayed there for ages. When the big aftershocks came, I tumbled down the back of this shelf. Luckily when Selena and Laura came looking for me they helped me out but they couldn't remember where we were either. I decided to stay as they left the room and my friend the bear kept me company. Please help me find my way out of here.
PS: My brain is expandable, so the more you tell me the more I remember.

Please leave your FIRST name and house to receive a housepoint.

Reporters: Selena and Laura

Check Out These Websites!

Website Mania!

Media Team have recently found a few interesting websites we recommend having a look at!
This is a fun website that encourages children to recycle and learn about our worlds problems aswell as being able to play games, chat with other members and dress up your own little monkey! This site has used money from memberships to adopt an oragutan! If you become a member of minimonos a newsletter will be sent to you every so often with their updates!. Not only that, recently they have been giving out free memberships for 6 months, but you'll have to be quick!
Recently, the senior school have been using befunky to create this years calendars. Befunky is a great, photo editing website. Not only can you add awesome effects, you can add cool frames, stickers and text most of which will come for free. You can sign up on befunky to get the 'premium effects'. It's worth taking a look at!
On Geonet you can look up christchurchs quakes and take a look at a list of all the aftershocks, their centered town, the exact time and date and what they came on the richtor scale! Did you know we've had 679 aftershocks so far?
This is another incredible website, visually showing you all the quakes we have had, represented with different sized orange and red circles in their exact time and centre! Have a look and you'll be amazed at the aftershocks you may have missed!
Reporter: Rosa

Where in the Westburn world am I ? Results (at last!)

The results for last weeks Where in the Westburn World am I now? Results comfirmed!!
The answer for the last Where am I? was..... in the RESOURCE ROOM!!!
Congratulations to the people that commented because they got the answer correct!





Rutherford, you have to work harder!!

Reporter: Selena & Laura

Security Camera Shows Traumatic Earthquake!

This is one of the security cameras at New World Redcliff Supermarket! I'm glad I don't have to clean this up!

Reporter: Rosa and Matt

Friday, 10 September 2010

Earthquake up close


Look at the damage...

Reporter: Laura

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Monday, 6 September 2010

Weekly books released

The new books released this week, which are avaliable to be issused from Week 9.

Climate Change - 'In the Tropics' and 'In the Antarctic', by Stewart Baker.

Kings and Queens of Enland.

Car Mad Jack - 'The Speedy Sports Car', 'The Marvellous Minibus' and 'The Ragged Off-Roader', by Jenny Alexander. (4th, 5th & 6th books in series)

Lucy The Lie Detector by Marianne Musgrove

We hope you enjoy these books

Reporters: Emma and Daniella

Saturday, 4 September 2010



At around 4:30am on Saturday 4th of September, disaster struck all around Christchurch. Walls were shaking, things were falling over and then the power went out. This is said to have been the biggest earthquake in years as it was felt all over the city. People were taking precautions even after the big shock, sitting in door ways and under hard tables clutching torches with loved ones. Farther away from the Westburn area, over in Avonside, many roads were leaking with water and whats said to be black sludge. In other parts of Canterbury, sewage pipes have come up from roads and old houses have been wrecked.

The airport is closed until 1pm and it is not suggested that people go out on the roads unless completely necessary. New Zealand is said to have been 10 years overdue for a big earthquake, was this it?

We hope everyone is safe,

keep others safe,

from the MediaTeam.

Friday, 3 September 2010

Daffodil Day Chalk Squares on PhotoPeach

Well done everyone!

Reporter: Rosa

Where in the Westburn World am I now?

Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Sleaura Pursner and I am from Planet Tederweamorm. I was travelling in my new spaceship when I was suddenly sucked through a black hole and I ended up in Westburn School. I need you to help me find my way around the school. If you tell me correctly where I am, I will reward you with a Housepoint for your kindness. Thankfully I have met the really helpful Laura and Selena from the Media Team and they are telling me all about their new blog (and Earth)!

Please tell us your FIRST Name and your HOUSE by commenting.

Reporter: Selena & Laura

Westburn School Wordle

Reporter: Chloe

Monday, 30 August 2010

Weekly books released

Every week, we will share with you the new books coming into our School Library. New this week are:

  • Henry VIII
  • Elizabeth I
  • Natural Hazards
  • Waste management
  • The first three books of the series 'Car Mad Jack'
  • Dark Solstice
Reporters: Daniella and Emma

Westburn School Wordle

Reporter: Kaelan

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Basketball Zones

Basketball zones on PhotoPeach

Here are some photos of the games Westburn played.
Reporter: Daniel

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Flower Power

Flower Power on PhotoPeach

On Friday 27 August, the School Council ran a mufti day to raise money for the Cancer Society. Everyone went to a lot of trouble and dressed up in yellow and green. Have a look at some of the contenders in the "Best Dressed" competition, judged by a representative of the National Bank.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Mr Ward's interview

The 2010 Westburn School Daffodil Day fund raising event was an extremely successful event, raising over $1,000! Here's Mr Ward's opinion.

Mr Ward's interview:
How happy are you about this event?

Extremely happy and delighted by how willing our students were to give to this worthwhile event.

How happy are with this year's results compared to last year's?

Very pleased with the outcome. I think we as a school achieve great results almost every year, but I'm still very pleased with the final outcome of over one thousand dollars.

Was is a worthwhile event in your eyes?

Most definitely and I'd like to thank the student council for putting so much effort and time into this fantastic event.

Do you think giving all the money to the Cancer Society encourages the children to give more?

Personally, yes, but I guess that's a question you would have to ask the kids to get the real answer.

Are you considering doing the daffodil hunt again next year?

Maybe but I'm always open to new ideas.

Have you got any ideas for next year's Daffodil Day? If so please post a comment and tell us what you would like to have included. Remember, just leave your first name, what class you're in and, of course, your idea.

Reporters: Matthew and Laura

Where in the Westburn World am I?

Hello. Again I am lost in the Westburn World. Please help me by telling me where am I and I will award you a housepoint. Just lBoldeave your first name, your answer and what house you are in!

Reporters: Laura & Selena

"Where in Westburn Am I?" results confirmed:

For our last "Where in Westburn am I" quiz we got 11 comments but only 8 people said what house they were in. This week's results are.....

Te Kanawa

Remember to put your first name and what house you are in.

Reporters: Selena & Laura

Westburn School Wordle

Reporter: Laura

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Music Programme auditions

Are you in year groups from Year 5 to Year eight? Do you play an instrument or instruments at an excellent level? If so, SMP (Specialist Music Programme) sounds just the thing for you!

SMP is for Westburn Students, however if you come from another school you can audition for the programme and if accepted, you are offered a place at the school. (You must attend the school to be in the programme). In this programme, your child will learn a great range about music, from composition to drama!

Contact Westburn School (358-8173) If you're interested!

Monday, 23 August 2010

And Presenting... (drum roll please)...

Senior Production
Click on the comic to enlarge!

Reporter: Rosa, Selena, and help from Rebecca

Westburn School Wordle

Reporter: Selena

Friday, 20 August 2010

Where in the Westburn World am I?

Where am I? Tell us where we are by posting a comment. Leave us your FIRST name only and your house and you could earn some housepoints for your house.

Reporter: Selena & Laura

Westburn School Wordle

Reporter: Matt

Poll on Technology

Reporter: Matt

Westburn School Jigsaw Puzzle by Rosa


What Room 3 English event was this? Do the jigsaw puzzle and send us a comment to answer this question!

Reporter: Rosa

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Westburn School Jigsaw Puzzle by Laura

Westburn Jigsaw 1
What are the children learning about? Do the jigsaw puzzle, and send us a comment to answer this question.

Reporter: Laura

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Westburn School Jigsaw Puzzle by Helena

Westburn Jigsaw 5

Can you guess what this class is doing for Art? Do this jigsaw puzzle and send us a comment to answer the question.

Reporter: Helena

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Westburn School Jigsaw Puzzle by Chloe

westburn jigsaw 6

Can you guess what this fun sport is? Do this jigsaw puzzle and send us a comment to answer the question.

Reporter: Chloe

Comic Strip - Aiming High!

Aim High!

Click on the comic to make it bigger!

Reporter: Rosa

Monday, 16 August 2010

Westburn and Burnside High - Combined!

Reporter: Daniella

Flower Power for the Cancer Society

Daffodil Day ~ Cancer Society on PhotoPeach

Reporter: Selena

What games would you like House Leaders to run in assemblies?

Poll on favourite things with buddy classes

Reporter: Chloe

Ski Trip slideshow

Ski Trip on PhotoPeach

On Tuesday 3 August, the Year 8s went skiing and snowboarding at Porter Heights. Here are some photos from the exciting event.

Reporter: Daniel

Roots of Empathy in action

Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy is a special programme. Here are some pictures to show you what happens during the sessions.

Reporter: Laura

Stunning ICAS Results

Congratulations to the following students who achieved great results in the ICAS Computer Competition:

High Distinction: Milin and Shreeram (Year 6)

Ryan and Louise (Year 5), Sheldon and Jasmine (Year 6)
, Rebecca and Laura (Year 7)

Kevin (Year 4),
William (Year 5), Rakuto, Julia, Helena (Year 6), Kaylin and Nadia (Year 8)

And the ICAS Science Competition:


Injoon and Wasiq (Year 4), Milin, Shreeram and Julia (Year 6), Selena and Rachel (Year 7), Nicholas (Year 8)


Kevin (Year 4) Akshat, Han Young, Ellie, Edward (Year 5), George, Rebecca, Jonathan, Tigger, Laura, Alice (Year 7), Nadia and Kaylin (Year 8)

Reporter: Matt

Room 12's amazing race at Westburn School

Reporter: Kaelan

Daffodil Day

Daffodil Day