Friday, 5 November 2010

Orchestras Combine

The Westburn School Orchestra were lucky enough to play with one of New Zealand's best school orchestras- Burnside High School.
This afternoon (5Th November) was a primary schools showcase concert- Pupils from various local schools came to the Auroa Centre (Performing Arts Centre at Burnside High School) to hear us and Burnside Highs orchestra play. Westburn performed Capriaio Italiien, written by Tschaikowsky, with the High School Orchestra under the Baton of Mrs Helen Renaud (Head of music at the high school).
Pupils from the several schools definitely enjoyed the one piece the orchestras played together, and performers certainly enjoyed performing it!

(Look out for the video of the performance soon!)

Reporter: Daniella

1 comment:

  1. It was great to hear about this special event, Daniella. I'll look forward to seeing some pictures or some video. Would you believe, MANY years ago I was in charge of the Westburn Orchestra (but I had some wonderful help from a fabulous parent).

    Keep up the great work with your reporting - I think it's great how you are keeping so involved.


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