Funky ideas for the upcoming holidays!
The holidays are coming up! Hurray! So we brainstormed a few awesome activities to amuse yourself during these holidays!
Have a go at the Media Team Writing competition
With three different categories (Report/Article, Creative short story and Poem) There is no limit to how many items you write. Present them in your best way, handwritten or typed. Slot them into the 'Media Team box' in the school library, by the door. Hand this in by the second week of Term 4.
Organise a Movie Night
A great way to spend the holidays with your friends is to organise a movie night. Bring along your favourite movies and popcorn and have a blast with your friends or family.
Some movie suggestions:
Marmaduke, Karate Kid, Princess and the Frog, Boy, Shrek Forever, Letters to Juliet.
Camp out in the garden
Get some friends or family together, and your tents, torches and stories, for a fun night camping in your garden. Sleep under stars, with the spring air with your mates.

Visit Hagley Park
Now that it is spring there are thousands of blooming flowers in the park. The beautiful daffodils and blossoms are out and a worth taking a look at!
Grow your own garden
Visit your local garden centre or weekend market, and purchase some delicious vegetables or fruits! Now is the ideal time to grow many vegetables such as; strawberries, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, capeskins, lettuces , all types of herbs/spices and many more. Talk to parents/caregivers about this
TIP: Make sure you water your vegetables/fruits daily, and they get plenty of sun! A great location to grow them in, is the old, small green reycling bin.
Make Playdough
With one cup of flour, half a cup of cooking salt, one cup of water and one tablespoon of cream tartar. Mix together and cook on a saucepan on the stove at medium heat. Allow to cool once well cooked, then add a few drops of oil. Knead the playdough well. Add food colouring to colour your playdough!
Discuss this with an adult or parent before you start at this, and make sure an adult assists you while cooking the playdough.
Reporters: Daniella and Rosa