I have interviewed Yoon Su Kim and Jennifer Jiang, both from Room 8, about making the car props with others for the school's upcoming production.
What did you enjoy about making the cars?
Yoon Su: I liked the painting part of of it because it was very fun and fairly easy.
Jennifer: I think that painting was the best part too. I enjoyed it because I like art.
How did you make the cars?
Yoon Su & Jennifer: We kept a big piece of paper stuck onto the whiteboard with magnets, pulled the projector screen up, got the right picture of the car with the teacher's laptop and projected it onto the whiteboard. Then we traced the image of the car onto the paper and outlined it with Sharpie. Finally, we painted the car.
Is this easy or difficult?
Yoon Su: Sometimes it's easy. It actually depends on whether the car is detailed or not. It's also very difficult whenever somebody nudges the paper while tracing it and moves it in a different place. Then we end up trying to move the paper back into its original place.
Jennifer: It's very easy, even though sometimes everything went hectic and people got stressed out.
I hope they got made successfully! Thank you, Yoon Su and Jennifer.
Reporter: Helena
I thought we were not aloud to put last names on the blog